Monday, July 16, 2012

Golden Square Farm

We are wrapping up our two week stay at Golden Square Farm in Stockland, England. We have both enjoyed our time here very much. Our accommodations are in a trailer that we share with a French man named Amaury who we call “The Frenchmen”. We have all grown quite comfortable in each others company. When we first arrived he would wash the breakfast dishes as soon as we finished eating, which lasted about 2 days. Lucas washed the dishes for the first time today only because I said I was on strike. They use the phrase “That’s woman’s work” often! (In a very affectionate way of course) Dishes aside it has been great being at a farm with another WWOOFer.

Kath and I went to pick up 4 piglets. They were a little shy when we got them home.

Our hosts Kath and Rob have been awesome! Kath is extremely outgoing and friendly, always smiling. Rob is a little more reserved, but still very nice. They are both great cooks, which is a bonus after our last farm! They have two adorable little girls Tabitha 5 and Jamima 3. The children finally warmed up to us just in time for us to leave. We got lucky with this farm because we (The Frenchmen too) are the first WWOOFers they’ve ever had. We can tell to because they treat us like you would a guest or family member. Farmers that have been taking on WWOOFer’s for 20 years make you fend for yourself more. I suspect after a summer of “entertaining” they will lose some of their enthusiasm.

Rob and Kath have owned their farm for only 1.5 years so they have a lot to do. They have a holiday house they just finished remodeling and have their first bookings this summer. On the farm there’s sheep, piglets, ducks and chickens. We can’t forget the 3 cats that are pretty much worthless since they bring mice INTO the house to show everyone. With being such fresh farm owners they have a lot to share about how they have done things, how they may have done things differently and what they still plan to do in the near future. Rob, Lucas and Amaury have been busy with “guy” stuff. Lucas built a flint stone wall, picnic table, and composting box. Then there’s the big project they’ve been working on all week where they rented a digger and tore up the back field to build a composting septic system. It was a lot more complex than it looked to the “woman’s eye”. The guys have been working hard digging dirt and moving lots of rocks with machine and by man power. This was made much worst by the constant cold rain which has caused a soupy muddy mess. I don’t want to complain but we have been stuck in a constant cold rain since we left Germany. We’ve had only a hand full of hot sunny hours.  Lucas was always saying how England would be cloudy and rainy but I chose not to believe himJ (he added that bit). Having the guys be busy has been a great break for me. I’ve had the two weeks to be a big help to Kath with getting some final things ready for the holiday flat, cleaning and doing things around the house that she just doesn’t have time for. To be honest I will take any job indoors just to get out of the rain and cold.

Lucas on the digger

Being on this farm has changed some of our thoughts for the future. Originally we thought I would stay home and man the farm and children while Lucas worked full time. That idea has changed a bit after seeing that Rob stays home and takes care of the farm and children while Kath works 3 days a week. That’s opened my eyes to the idea that I could continue with my massage business while Lucas stays home to farm. After seeing the labor and skill that goes into building a self sustainable life, Lucas may be the more efficient person to do that anyhow.

The stone wall Lucas built with the help of everyone else, collecting rocks & stuff

Our next stop is a small Island on the southern coast called Isle of Wight. We hear the island is absolutely beautiful. The farm is owned by a Chiropractor and her husband. The thing that drew me to the farm beside the thought of an adjustment is their healing garden. Another dream for the future I have is creating a beautiful healing garden where I can do massage. I hope to learn a lot there!

Here is their web site

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