Monday, June 25, 2012

Lucky us!

The host on our last farm Christian invited us along on his yearly youth camping trip this past weekend. What good luck for us, we were there at the perfect time! Christian is a volunteer fire fighter where he also works with the youth. We went to a small town in East Germany where we rented kayaks and canoes. We loaded them up and paddeled to our first camp site where we pitched our tents.

 In that particular part of Germany there is a few small towns connected by canals. We think we paddled about 15 miles in about 17 hours total all weekend. Our return trip Sunday was supposed to be quick and sweet but no one took into consideration that we would be going against stream and wind. Actually I shouldn't say no one, Lucas mentioned it to me a few times Saturday and then to the group but with the communication barrier no one understood what he was trying to say.  In the end it took a long HARD day of 6 hours (after 8 the day before) to get back to the rental dock.  Overall, sore arms included, it was the perfect way to end our month long travels through Germany.

We are now at a hotel in Dresden, Germany getting ready for our early morning flight to London. :-)

Kayak parking at the restaurant we stopped at for lunch Saturday

1 comment:

  1. Wow, those canals look beautiful. You sure are having a wide variety of experiences!
