Thursday, May 24, 2012


After our very long flight we were both exhausted. We then had to carry our 50lb packs from the airport to take a train to Central Station downtown Amsterdam. Finding our hostel proved to be a little harder than we thought. We did not have a map of Amsterdam yet, therefore we walked in circles around our hostel. By the end we were ready to throw our packs in the garbage or just plain abandon them. When we stepped into our Hostel room of 16 people and saw that everyone had packs just as large as ours we had a little glimmer of hope that with time hauling things would get easier. We were starving so we went out to find some food and ended up in a little restaurant. I ordered a martini and got what we think was Martini Rossi on the rocks. I was a little thrown off by the brown liquid that was served to me but it proved to be ok. After eating we went back to the hostel and crashed.

This morning we got up early and took advantage of the free breakfast. Then headed to the tourist center and got ourselves a hop on, hop off boat tour. They have 3 different lines with 16 stops. We visited the Van Gogh museum and Anne Frank Annex. Both were well worth the trip! We ended our day of touring the city with some raw Herring from a truck. We were a little skeptical about trying it, but it was on my list of things to do while here. We were both surprised by how yummy it was and may even go back for more!

                                           Lucas and I infront of Anne Frank Annex

Tomorrow we plan to rent bikes and see the rest of the city, including take a ride through Vondelpark. Wish us luck with navigating the city on bike!  We will post again tomorrow with news on our latest adventure.

A tulip outside the Tulip Museum


  1. Wow! Awesome! Sounds like you're enjoying Amsterdam so far! Glad to see you made it safely, thinking about you guys often!

  2. Everything looks so familiar !!! Glad you got to see the VanGogh museum and Anne Frank. Brings back such great memories for me. Enjoy !!!

  3. WOW-Way to start out your adventure! Glad to see you taking in the sites...I look forward to more in the future (hey, if I never make it there at least I can see thru your eyes)-Thanks for blogging your travels.

  4. you go girl! Keep em coming - Love Mere
