Friday, May 25, 2012

Goodbye Amsterdam

We had no idea the intensity of biking in Amsterdam. Lucas’ description is perfect “white knuckling it & damn right scary.” There’s said to be over 250,000 bicycles in Amsterdam alone!   Bikers are the rulers of the roads. Pedestrians stop for them and if not they get an obnoxious ding-ding from the bell on the bike and called a “stoop!”  Even cars yield for them. We did manage to find Vondel Park and rode bike through its winding sidewalks. We saw a lot of children playing on playgrounds and a lot of wildlife and animals; apparently they don’t have leash laws for pets here. Oh and no one picks up their dog’s doo doo! I find myself tattling on them to Lucas whenever I see this unfortunate event. 

We did get a chance to walk around The Red Light District. It was still early evening so the window’s red lights weren’t on yet.  They still had hookers inside but they didn't look like the A class girls, if there are any? I was appalled at how unattractive they all were! We planned to go back in the evening but were too tired when the time came.

Now it’s Saturday morning and we’re showered, packed and patiently waiting for our free breakfast at 8:30. Then we have to catch our train at 10:26 for a 5 hour ride to our first farm in Peine, Germany. We are both very ready to leave Amsterdam and see what WWOOFing is really about. I hope all is going well for everyone at home.

Here is the website to our first farm: 

Here is the quote around the wall in our room:

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